Official inauguration of Maison du Luxembourg 


A historic first in Luxembourg's Olympic history. 

On July 27, the Minister of Sports, Georges Mischo, in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Duke, members of the grand-ducal family, Prime Minister Luc Frieden, and the President of the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL), André Hoffmann, officially inaugurated the Maison du Luxembourg at the Jean Bouin Stadium in Paris during the 2024 Olympic Games.

The event was packed, with many familiar faces from the national and international sports scene in attendance.

This was also a historic first, as it marked the very first time in Luxembourg’s Olympic history that the Grand Duchy had a dedicated house during the Games to support our athletes, embrace the Luxembourgish Olympic spirit, and showcase various aspects of Luxembourg on an international stage.

To highlight how the Maison du Luxembourg combines Luxembourgish culture with sporting excellence, Luxembourgish artist MAZ UNIVERZE performed on the Fan Zone stage during the inauguration as the opening act for German artist Clueso.