Team Lëtzebuerg

Team Lëtzebuerg brings together not only athletes who proudly represent the colours of Luxembourg at multi-sport events, their coaches and direct entourage, but also numerous people from other fields who support and encourage the athletes.

Coming from sports federations and, among others, the technical, scientific, medical, paramedical and state sectors, not to forget the commercial partners, supporters, volunteers, families and friends, they all contribute to the sporting performances of the athletes and to the achievement of their dreams.

Together, they embody passion for sport and team spirit. Team Lëtzebuerg symbolises energy, strength, pride and solidarity, as well as the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect.

Never before have the Olympic Games been so close as in the summer of 2024. A unique opportunity to experience unforgettable sensations, to thrill, to hope, to support, and to celebrate historic moments within the Luxembourg sporting family.

Come and join us in the stadiums and arenas of Paris, in its streets, on its riverbanks, and at the Maison du Luxembourg... be part of Team Lëtzebuerg as well.