INAPS event on physical activity and sports in communes


Municipal representatives inspired by international experts and encouraged by the Minister of Sports, Georges Mischo, at the Maison du Luxembourg.

On Friday, August 2nd, the National Institute for Physical Activity and Sports (INAPS) organized a day focused on the theme "Physical Activity and Sports in My Commune." This event brought together municipal representatives to participate in several workshops led by international experts, aiming to inspire them and promote physical activity and sports in their communes. Sixty participants, including mayors, aldermen, sports coordinators, and other municipal representatives, attended three workshops on the importance of sports facilities, the necessary skills for municipal sports policy, and sports development planning. The day concluded with an evening at the Maison du Luxembourg in Paris, where the participants met the Minister of Sports, Georges Mischo, as well as Luxembourgish Olympic athletes Sarah de Nutte, Ni Xia Lian, Luka Mladenovic, and Jeanne Lehair. During this event, the minister emphasized the importance of municipalities in developing a comprehensive and inclusive sports policy, highlighting several starting points to further support municipalities in their mission.